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Peel Senior Link
Peel Senior Link, a non-profit charitable organization established in 1991, provides personal care & home-making services. Peel Senior Link maximizes independent living--helping seniors live with dignity, stability and safety.To provide quality and valued assisted living services in supportive housing by helping seniors live independently with dignity and respect. Definition: Assisted Living Services in Supportive Housing Activities provided to service recipients who are living in a supportive housing setting and require assisted living services, accessible on a 24-hour basis. This service may include homemaking, personal support, attendant services, and core components of independence training. The supportive housing setting is a location where organizations may be responsible for providing services to a number of service recipients who live in their own units and housing is not a component of the service. Organizations providing these services will ensure their staff in various locations are onsite and accessible on a 24-hour basis.

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