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Free For All Community Services
Free For All Foundation (FFAF) is a not-for-profit organization committed to advocating on behalf of marginalized communities, particularly children, youth and seniors. At the Free For All Foundation, our fundamental beliefs rest on the overall well-being of families, particularly those facing challenges such as a temporary financial problem, mental health, advocacy in schools, mentoring youth, etc., by providing counselling or referral services, acting as an intermediary between other agencies and families, providing counselling services to families and individuals. Empowering all individuals to take responsibility for their future growth and achievement is a priority. We are an organization that cares deeply about the human dignity of all persons, and we are looking for volunteers who share the same vision as we do, delivering exceptional services for those in need in our communities. Our Brampton office serves families in need in Peel; Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga, for various services ranging from the senior's wellness program to weekly food drives and so on.
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