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Restoration and Empowerment for Social Transition Centres
Created in 2015, Restoration and Empowerment for Social Transition (R.E.S.T.) Centres is a non-profit organization committed to ending youth homelessness by focusing on intervention and prevention while providing holistic support for youth aging out of the foster care system. Through strategic partnerships, R.E.S.T. will offer a diverse range of services and programs to youth transitioning from the care and custody of the Children’s Aid Society before they find themselves in a position of needing emergency help. All R.E.S.T. programs and services will be established on the following themes: 1. Stable Affordable Housing: providing accessible, safe and affordable permanent housing to homeless youth; 2. Sustained Independent Living: empowering homeless youth by providing support systems to help them maintain their independence; 3. Counselling and Mental Health: providing youth with clinical therapeutic counseling services to address mental health issues and concerns in a supportive, client-centered and strengths-based environment; 4. Family Reunification: offering youth and their families a safe and supportive therapeutic environment to explore reunification and reconciliation; 5. Community Engagement and Ownership: encouraging and working with community support systems to address all forms of youth homelessness; 6. Research/Monitoring and Evaluation: partnering and collaborating with relevant stakeholders to implement homeless interventions; and 7. Performance Management and Implementation: ensuring all decisions affecting youth homelessness are evidence-based.

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