Organization Info
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Heartache2Hope is a non-profit, charitable organization that began in 2014 in the Oakville area. We offer support to adults grieving a suicide loss in Halton and surrounding communities. Our goals are to break the isolation of suicide loss grievers, to meet their special needs in healing from this loss, and to offer education that increases public awareness and understanding of suicide loss. Professionals who are trained in traumatic bereavement associated with suicide loss lead the supportive and educational programming with the help of selected volunteers who are specifically trained and prepared to companion other grievers through the grief reactions they may experience after a suicide loss. Heartache2Hope offers different supportive services in order to meet the needs of suicide loss grievers at different stages in their grief journey. We provide 12-week Closed Support Groups provide both learning about suicide loss grief and coping strategies, and peer support. Our monthly Open Support Groups offer suicide loss grief support on an ongoing basis to community members. We also provide One-on-One Grief Support to individuals when they are not quite ready to participate in a Support Group. Heartache2Hope hosts an Annual International Survivor of Suicide Loss Day Event (November) in the Oakville area to foster connection and learning in the community of suicide loss grievers. We also provide educational workshops about the experience of traumatic loss and about coping with grief and loss.

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